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  • Writer's pictureAziel

Chapter 7: The Witch Tier

Rivna is reclined in a leather chair in the middle of a windowed steampunk laboratory. Present is Loc, Tamar, Aldrog, Gidget, and Gideon, who is examining the crystal on the base of her neck.  

Gideon: It’s definitely vyrkracite, but somehow it can emit steam without consuming itself.

Gidget: It’s a real marvel, Loc.

Loc: Does it hurt at all when you use it Rivna?

Rivna: No, but it’s very exhausting. I can only use so much of it before it drains me.

Loc: (That explains the three day nap after that fantastic display against Heldine. However something tells me she wasn’t in full control of her abilities at the time.)

Rivna looks at Loc quizzically. Tamar taps Loc on the head.

Tamar: I see you working that thick steam engine of yours again.

Loc: Ah, I’m just curious about her power. That’s all.

Tamar: It was certainly spectacular. If nothing else.

Gidget: Well if you’re thinking about taking Massadah back from Queen Bethel, then you can count me in.

Everyone looks at Gidget quizzically.

Aldrog: Have you hit your head or something Gidget? You’re always the first one to rebuttal against it.

Gidget: That’s because we didn’t have good old Rivna here. I mean you saw what kind of power she displayed. I’m starting to think divine intervention is finally at work for us.

Aldrog: Yeah but, to take back the whole kingdom of Massadah? Queen Bethel isn’t going to go down without a fight. Not to mention we still don’t know how the Queen of Queens is going to respond to our little trip to the Forbidden Wastes.

Gideon: Well, the decision belongs to Captain Loc.

Everyone pauses to look at him, eager to hear his response.

Loc: I’m through with answering to the whims of a tyrant. Today is the day we begin to execute our plans to remove the evil Queen Bethel from the thrown.

Gideon smiles. Aldrog and Gidget cheer.

Aldrog: Us non-humans will finally be able to live freely again!

Gidget: You said it pal! No more hiding our faces. We’ll be able to live out in the open just like our ancestors did before the Queen of Queens took over.

Loc: Now don’t get too excited guys. When we do take back Massadah it’ll be a declaration of war against not only the Queen of Queens but to the rest of the world as well. And a fight with the Queen of Queens means a fight to the bitter end.

Gideon: (So he’s finally going through with the coup d'etat. Hezekiah, your boy is really turning out to be something.)

Tamar: Wait, don’t you think we’re moving too fast? I mean we don’t even know if her power is completely reliable or not.

Loc: Of course it is. It’s a divine gift remember? We can’t let this opportunity go to waste, Tamar.

Tamar: Well yes but timing is everything. I say we should hold off until we can learn what all she’s capable of first. Not to mention how the Queen of Queens is going to respond to us finding her.

Aldrog: Well, she does have a point sire, I mean Loc.

Loc looks Rivna in the eyes.

Loc: What about you Rivna? Are you up for more action?

Rivna pauses as she looks at her hands and feels her vyrkracite.

Rivna: I’m… I’m not sure.

Tamar: See? I know you’re eager to make a difference but you shouldn’t rush things Loc—

Rivna: However, you all have shown me so much kindness and hospitality. I’ll do whatever I can to aid you as long as it’s for a good cause.

Loc grins.

Within a gigantic colorful room that resembles a steampunk birdcage is the beautiful and young looking Helga. Helga is Avalian, which means she has pale skin with red eyes and hair; Caucasian ethnicity. She wears glasses along with an extremely beautiful and regal looking dress. Helga is sitting at a large desk with several typewriters emitting steam and typing by themselves. Helga is reading several documents.

Heldine stomps into the room with a furious temperament. She has a rolled up document in her hand.

Heldine: Helga!

Heldine approaches the desk and slams the document on it. It’s Loc’s bounty poster.

Heldine: What in the scarlet hell is the meaning of this?!

Helga continues to read without once glancing at Heldine or the poster.

Helga: Mother’s orders Heldine.

Heldine: Mother’s orders my foot! You’ve had it in for my darling ever since he was born!

Helga: This time it’s serious, Heldine. Mother found out about his little trip to the Forbidden Wastes.

Heldine: How did she find out? See I told y’all to keep that secret! Who opened their big mouth?! Was it you?!

Helga: Heldine, you should know better than anyone that you can’t hide anything from Mother. Whatever it is she always finds out. And she’s not happy this time. In fact she’s livid.

Heldine: Livid? Mother is actually livid? But she never gets angry.

Helga: Maybe not since you’ve been alive but I remember quite well when she got real wrathful about five score ago. Half the continent of Vyrkaidon got flattened that day. If he had left the Forbidden Wastes empty handed then it might have been a different story, but apparently Mother wants him dead at all costs now.

Heldine: But that’s my darling! Mother knows how much my darling and I love each other. Doesn’t she?

Helga sighs and looks at Heldine.

Helga: Heldine, do you know how dangerous it is to keep Loc alive? He was skating on thin ice as it is. The only reason Mother has let him live this long is because of how obedient he’s been, plus your affinity for him. But he’s slipped up real bad this time sister. He’s finished.

Heldine: Finished? No, it can’t be. Maybe if I talked to Mother—

Heldine quickly begins to leave.

Helga: She’s already sent Hannah after him.

Heldine freezes. There is a pause. Tears roll down her face as she portrays a look of defeat. She turns to Helga.

Heldine: But why? What did he find that got him into so much trouble?

Helga: The Witch Tier.

Heldine: The Witch Tier?

The typewriters stop.

Helga: Mother has never told you about her but the Witch Tier is someone that’s nearly as strong as a princess.

Heldine: You mean they’re nearly as strong as us?

Helga: That’s right Heldine. The Witch Tier is potentially real trouble. And he’s made contact with her. So now Mother has to deal with it before somebody in the family gets hurt, or worse.

Heldine: Wait, the Witch Tier! I’ve seen her! She must be the one that’s seduced my Loc away from me.

Helga: Is that so?

Heldine: She didn’t seem that strong when I faced her though, but I bet it’s because of her that Loc is in so much trouble now. I know, if I kill that little witch then maybe Mother can spare my darling.

Helga: Well you might be on to something sister.

Heldine: That’s it! I’ll bring Mother the head of the Witch Tier as well as my darling and I’s wedding certificate. If I can show Mother that I can keep my darling in line then there won’t be any need to bring harm to him.

Heldine leaves in haste.

Heldine: Oh but if I don’t beat Hannah to him then I can kiss my soulmate goodbye!

Helga sighs to herself.

Helga: Doesn’t my sister realize she’s going to outlive him either way? I’ll never understand love.

A fleet of Rose Torpedoes fill the otherwise clear blue skies. Leading them is the flagship Young Rose. Inside the busy bridge is a cute eleven year old Avalian girl. She’s wearing gothic regal attire and is sitting on a beautiful throne sipping from a golden teacup. Beside her is a tall middle aged Avalian butler.

A poster of Loc’s bounty is sitting on Hannah’s lap.

Hannah: So the Witch Tier has finally awoken, huh?

She takes a sip.

Hannah: Interesting. It appears big brother Loc needs to be punished for going against Mother’s orders again. And this time, it’s capital punishment.

Hannah performs a sinister chuckle.

Chapter End

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